The number of English learners (ELs) in Alabama has increased significantly in recent years. English learners include U.S.-born children whose first language is not English, newcomers to the U.S., and other students developing English proficiency. These children are in Alabama schools, acquiring academic English instruction that promotes mastery of the content standards. Alabama developed the Framework for English Learner Success […]
District Leader
Partnering for Success: How One SEA Is Building Capacity to Support Effective Educator Practice
This story details how the Region 7 Comprehensive Center supported the Mississippi Department of Education in improving its Professional Growth System and building statewide capacity to support its effective use and then built upon its success and lessons learned to design Orientation to School Leadership training modules for new leaders.
The Alabama Coaching Framework: Ensuring a Single Approach to Coaching
Reading Rockets Summer Reading
Literacy Rich Classroom Library Checklist: An Assessment Tool for Equity
Classroom libraries are often a student’s only way of finding literature easily. Does your classroom library represent the students in your classroom? Your classroom library should be inviting and organized and include books that are engaging. Want to know more? Read this Assessment Tool from First Book.