This IES infographic provides a brief overview of the definition of instructional coaching as well as the contributions of effective coaching to improving teacher capacity and student outcomes. It also includes a visual summary of the coaching cycle and an outline of the coaching responsibilities for the teacher, coach, and principal.
Mississippi Public Broadcasting Classroom TV
Mississippi Public Broadcasting (MPB), in partnership with the Mississippi Department of Education, provides videos of high-quality classroom lessons taught by certified teachers in multiple content areas. The site also includes links to education-focused panel discussions as well as guidance for access options.
The Mississippi High-Dosage Tutoring Playbook
See, Think, Wonder
This resource, developed by Project Zero at Harvard, provides a routine to help students of any age (early childhood through Grade 12 and beyond) warm up to thinking about any topic, idea, or image. It is available in English and Spanish. Every student will have something to say if you introduce this routine!
Policies and Practices for Explicit Instruction
As part of the Meadows Center “10 Key” series, this document provides ten research-based recommendations to support schools, districts, and states in identifying and implementing explicit instruction at the elementary and secondary levels. Several brief scenarios provide specific examples of explicit instruction to clarify each of the ten recommendations. The scenarios include a variety of instructional settings: English language arts […]