Topic: Adolescent Literacy
Reading Rockets Summer Reading
Reading Rockets summer reading materials give parents, teachers, and district leaders many ideas to keep students reading over the summer....
Literacy Rich Classroom Library Checklist: An Assessment Tool for Equity
Classroom libraries are often a student’s only way of finding literature easily. Does your classroom library represent the students in your classroom? Your classroom library should be inviting and organized and include books that are engaging. Want to know...
Mississippi Public Broadcasting Classroom TV
Mississippi Public Broadcasting (MPB), in partnership with the Mississippi Department of Education, provides videos of high-quality classroom lessons taught by certified teachers in multiple content areas. The site also includes links to education-focused panel discussions as well as guidance...
Advocating for the Literacy Needs of Children
This toolkit from the National Center on Improving Literacy provides guidance on how and what to advocate for in children’s literacy needs, as well as resources for workshop sessions, problem-solving, research briefs, and infographics. It also serves as a...
The Mississippi High-Dosage Tutoring Playbook
This playbook from the Mississippi Department of Education provides guidance in the effective implementation of a high-dosage tutoring program, including considerations for tutor training, student and subject selection, and scheduling....
15 Phonics Rules for Reading and Spelling
If a student has ever asked you why a word is spelled or sounds a certain way, this resource is for you. It lists 15 rules for reading and spelling in the English language. This resource is appropriate for...
Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4–9
This IES practice guide highlights research with demonstrated success in improving reading outcomes for students in Grades 4–9. It includes practical recommendations for reading interventions in the upper grades as well as tips for implementation and the identification of...
Vocabulary and Comprehension: Effective Upper-Elementary Interventions for Students With Reading Difficulties
Help your students with before, during, and after reading strategies to boost vocabulary and comprehension. This guide offers ways to provide additional support to upper-level elementary students who have reading difficulties....
Policies and Practices for Explicit Instruction
As part of the Meadows Center “10 Key” series, this document provides ten research-based recommendations to support schools, districts, and states in identifying and implementing explicit instruction at the elementary and secondary levels. Several brief scenarios provide specific examples...
Reading Across the Content Areas: An Overview
This infographic provides an overview of general strategies to support learners in reading across the content areas and highlights data specific to the Pacific Islands region. It also includes tips for working with English learner students and students with...