Topic: Strengthening the Teacher Workforce
Partnering for Success: How One SEA Is Building Capacity to Support Effective Educator Practice
This story details how the Region 7 Comprehensive Center supported the Mississippi Department of Education in improving its Professional Growth System and building statewide capacity to support its effective use and then built upon its success and lessons learned...
The Alabama Coaching Framework: Ensuring a Single Approach to Coaching
This “impact story” illustrates how the Region 7 Comprehensive Center supported the Alabama State Department of Education in developing its universal coaching framework....
Webinar: Solving the Teacher Shortage Challenge
What are effective strategies for attracting and recruiting teachers? This panel discussion features leaders from TNTP, the Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education, the Learning Policy Institute, the National Council on Teacher Quality, and the American Federation...
Webinar – A Blueprint to Solve Teacher Shortages: The Overlooked Workforce
In this recorded webinar, Paul Pinsky (State Senator from Maryland), Dr. Carey Wright (Former State Superintendent of Mississippi), and Bryan Hassel (Co-president of Public Impact) share how states are addressing pathways and preparation, professional support and mentorship, licensure policies,...
Building Better PL: How to Strengthen Teacher Learning
This brief reviews recent research and promising practices to identify important considerations for the how (features and formats) and what (content) of professional learning. Identified features and formats include peer collaboration, coaching, and follow-up meetings. Brief authors encouraged targeting...
A Data-Driven Approach to Staffing Schools
This article provides useful questions to consider as states think about policy solutions to the teacher shortage....
Five Trends Shaping the Teaching Workforce
This article highlights five trends found in an analysis of the U.S. Department of Education’s Schools and Staffing Survey and National Teacher Principal Survey. Authors note that state policymakers should monitor these trends as they think about recruitment and...
Flipping the Readiness Paradigm: Tailoring Programs to Address the Achievement Gap and Teacher Shortages in High-Need Schools
This special issues brief from the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders discusses five strategies for leveraging mentoring and induction to meet the challenges of high-need schools....
Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: The State of the Field
This brief shares findings from 122 interviews and a review of secondary resources about the current state of curriculum-based professional learning. Findings are organized based on Bridgespan’s field-building framework and provide recommendations for building the knowledge base, “actors,” and...
Dispelling the Myths: What the Research Says about Teacher Professional Learning
This brief dispels six common myths related to professional learning....