Ivan W. Banks

Over the past 30 years, Ivan W. Banks, Ph.D., has served in administrative positions in a variety of institutions, with diverse missions and located in diverse settings (i.e., urban, suburban, and rural). He has held positions as program coordinator, department chair, director of supervised teaching, director of certification, provost and vice president for academic affairs, assistant dean, associate dean, and dean. In each of these administrative roles, he coordinated and assessed progress toward strategic goals; managed human, financial and material resource needs; monitored the workload related to desired outcomes; and evaluated faculty and staff. Dr. Banks formally served as the interim associate provost for academic affairs at Alcorn State University.

Dr. Banks has authored a range of refereed and non-refereed articles primarily focused on diversity and equity issues. He has made scholarly presentations at regional, national, and international conferences in addition to providing professional development to higher education and Grades PK–12 education professionals.

Dr. Banks was selected and served as a Fulbright Scholar to study the educational systems of Singapore and Malaysia. The primary purpose of these efforts was to better understand how these nations prepared teachers to provide highly effective instruction to diverse students.

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