The Region 7 Comprehensive Center
The Region 7 Comprehensive Center (R7CC) provides intensive technical assistance to the state education agencies (SEAs) in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. All R7CC projects are designed with chief state school officers and other SEA leadership, are aligned with and supportive of select key initiatives of each state, and focus on building state capacity to support local education agencies (LEAs) and schools to improve student outcomes. It is one of 19 regional centers authorized under Title II of the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002 and is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. As part of the national Comprehensive Center Network, the R7CC works collaboratively with the Regional Educational Laboratory for the Southeast Region and other federally and state-funded technical assistance centers.
The R7CC is operated by the RMC Research office in Tampa, Florida. The RMC Research partners on the R7CC are the Center for Excellence in Literacy Instruction (CELI) at the University of Mississippi, the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, WestEd, and AEM Corporation.