All R7CC projects are designed with the Chief State School Officer and other SEA leadership, are aligned with and supportive of select key initiatives of each state, and focus on building state capacity to support their LEAs and schools in improving student outcomes.
- Alabama Leadership Framework
- Building Capacity to Identify ESSA Levels of Evidence
- Mississippi Orientation to School Leaders
- The Use of Research and Evidence-Based Findings in Teacher Preparation Programs: A Regional Community of Practice
- Mississippi Comprehensive Support and Improvement Escalation Schools Community of Practice
- Mississippi English Learner Proficiency Standards Alignment Peer Review Support
- Community Engagement Councils in Mississippi
- Alabama Early Literacy
- Mississippi Equitable Access to Effective Teachers
- Mississippi Comprehensive Literacy
- Implementation of Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards
- Florida PreK–3 Literacy
- Building and Supporting Effective School Leaders
- Alabama Improving K-5 Evidence-Based Practices in Math
- Alabama Improving English Learner Student Academic Achievement