This project supports the co-development of the Principal Leadership Framework, one component of the Alabama Principal Leadership Development System. R7CC will support the work of a state Design Team to co-develop a continuum of practice, strategies for implementing the practices, and suggested artifacts to use as evidence of success. The goal of the Framework is to support leaders in the […]
The Use of Research and Evidence-Based Findings in Teacher Preparation Programs: A Regional Community of Practice
In a 2016 Learning Policy Institute report, Linda Darling-Hammond and her team cited inadequate teacher preparation and lack of support for new teachers as two of the top six reasons new teachers leave the profession. Additionally, a 2023 report by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) found that nationally, only 28% of teacher preparation programs adequately addressed the science […]
Alabama Early Literacy
Why? Alabama has a long history of using literacy coaches in schools. Funding has shifted over the years to other state priorities. In 2019, the Alabama Literacy Act was passed, requiring schools serving Grades K–3 to have a reading specialist in place to coach teachers on reading and best practices in teaching literacy. Supporting teachers and students effectively and consistently […]
Alabama Improving K-5 Evidence-Based Practices in Math
Why? Alabama has experienced chronically low student proficiency in K–5 numeracy as measured by the National Assessment of Educational Progress. The passage of the Alabama Numeracy Act (ANA) prompted a need for organizational capacity-building using evidence-based practices to support mathematics instruction by promoting best practices, resources, professional learning, and coaching. What? Over the past three years, the Region 7 Comprehensive […]
Alabama Improving English Learner Student Academic Achievement
Why? Over the past two decades, Alabama has experienced over a 400 percent increase in the English learner (EL) student population. During this time, disparities have existed between ELs and non-ELs on the National Assessment of Education Progress and statewide assessments in reading and math. Teachers and leaders need access to research and evidence-based practices to improve academic outcomes for […]