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Alabama Framework for English Learner Success
Partnering for Success: How One SEA Is Building Capacity to Support Effective Educator Practice
The Alabama Coaching Framework: Ensuring a Single Approach to Coaching
Improving Teacher Performance Through Instructional Coaching
Reading Rockets Summer Reading
Literacy Rich Classroom Library Checklist: An Assessment Tool for Equity
Raising Community Program Perception/Awareness
Webinar: Solving the Teacher Shortage Challenge
Mississippi Public Broadcasting Classroom TV
Building Better PL: How to Strengthen Teacher Learning
Content Start
This brief reviews recent research and promising practices to identify important considerations for the how (features and formats) and what (content) of professional learning. Identified features and formats include peer collaboration, coaching, and follow-up meetings. Brief authors encouraged targeting subject-specific instructional practices, prioritizing practice-supportive materials, and delivering more professional learning focused on relationships with students.