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Alabama Framework for English Learner Success
Partnering for Success: How One SEA Is Building Capacity to Support Effective Educator Practice
The Alabama Coaching Framework: Ensuring a Single Approach to Coaching
Improving Teacher Performance Through Instructional Coaching
Reading Rockets Summer Reading
Literacy Rich Classroom Library Checklist: An Assessment Tool for Equity
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State Guidance on Distance Learning During COVID-19: A Review of Four States’ Approaches
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Considering how COVID-19 may impact the upcoming school year, members of the Region 7 Comprehensive Center (R7CC) Advisory Board requested information about best practices on distance and blended learning.
In response to this inquiry, this Fast Response provides a summary of guidance on what four states are providing for distance and blended learning. The states included in the brief are Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Oregon. These states represent a broad cross-section of contexts with important features common among the Region 7 states, including large urban centers, rural districts, and similar student demographics.
Joshua Melton, Heidi Goertzen, Katherine Harmon, Rachel Goins, Sheila Brookes, and Robin Jarvis
Region 7 Comprehensive Center
U.S. Department of Education