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Partnering for Success: How One SEA Is Building Capacity to Support Effective Educator Practice
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Improving Teacher Performance Through Instructional Coaching
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Teacher Evaluations: What Is the Issue and Why Does It Matter? Policy Snapshot
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Teacher evaluations are essential to helping states, districts, and schools maintain an effective teacher workforce. This policy brief describes how states work to develop effective teacher evaluation systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title II, Part A. This brief provides state education agency staff and other interested stakeholders with insight into legislative activities across the country as they try to determine how best to support and improve their teacher evaluation system (e.g., the number of states enacting teacher evaluation legislation and whether to keep student growth as part of the teacher evaluation system). This brief also looks at trends in teacher evaluation policies since 2009, along with additional resources to inform legislative decisions.
U.S. Department of Education