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The Alabama Coaching Framework
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The Alabama Coaching Framework turns superintendent, Dr. Eric Mackey’s vision to provide innovative support to teachers into a reality. The framework sets the standard for how coaches in any content area conduct their work in Alabama. This evidence-based framework includes contributions across various areas of expertise within the state department. The framework was created with Implementation Science in mind, and it incorporates elements of the Alabama Strategic Plan. The coaching framework will be the foundation for the work of Alabama literacy coaches, including English Learner coaches hired through the Alabama Literacy Act to support instruction in K-3. The Alabama Math, Science, Technology Initiative (AMSTI) will use the framework in their work with math teachers as the state builds a system of support with the Teachers in Residence program. The framework also supports Governor Ivy’s STEM Roadmap recommendation to place a math coach in every elementary school in order to provide embedded evidence-based professional learning.
The perspective of the School Improvement Department is included in the framework in order to align the focus of coaching across multiple departments and levels. Underrepresented student populations are not often considered within a coaching framework, but Alabama was diligent to include the voice of special education and specify the importance of coaches’ collaboration with teachers to ensure equal opportunities for all students. Content areas will continue to refine their specific departments and add equitable practices and ideas to the framework as the work expands in the future. Coaches using the framework of best practices will make results-driven, data-educated decisions that enhance teaching and learning in Alabama.
Alabama State Department of Education