This IES infographic provides a brief overview of the definition of instructional coaching as well as the contributions of effective coaching to improving teacher capacity and student outcomes. It also includes a visual summary of the coaching cycle and an outline of the coaching responsibilities for the teacher, coach, and principal.
English Language Arts
Reading Rockets Summer Reading
Literacy Rich Classroom Library Checklist: An Assessment Tool for Equity
Classroom libraries are often a student’s only way of finding literature easily. Does your classroom library represent the students in your classroom? Your classroom library should be inviting and organized and include books that are engaging. Want to know more? Read this Assessment Tool from First Book.
Mississippi Public Broadcasting Classroom TV
Mississippi Public Broadcasting (MPB), in partnership with the Mississippi Department of Education, provides videos of high-quality classroom lessons taught by certified teachers in multiple content areas. The site also includes links to education-focused panel discussions as well as guidance for access options.
Advocating for the Literacy Needs of Children
This toolkit from the National Center on Improving Literacy provides guidance on how and what to advocate for in children’s literacy needs, as well as resources for workshop sessions, problem-solving, research briefs, and infographics. It also serves as a companion resource for the center’s Self-Advocacy toolkit.