The Region 7 Comprehensive Center collaborated with the National Comprehensive Center to develop this crosswalk, outlining the connection between the High-Leverage Practices (HLPs) for students with disabilities (developed by the Council for Exceptional Children and the Collaboration for Effective Education Development, Accountability, and Reform) and the High-Impact Instructional Strategies (HIIS) from the National Center’s Supporting Students in Poverty toolkit. It is […]
High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities: A Closer Look at Explicit Instruction
Alabama Framework for English Learner Success
The number of English learners (ELs) in Alabama has increased significantly in recent years. English learners include U.S.-born children whose first language is not English, newcomers to the U.S., and other students developing English proficiency. These children are in Alabama schools, acquiring academic English instruction that promotes mastery of the content standards. Alabama developed the Framework for English Learner Success […]
Developing Effective Math Coaches: A Content-Driven Perspective (Coming Soon)
Improving Teacher Performance Through Instructional Coaching
This IES infographic provides a brief overview of the definition of instructional coaching as well as the contributions of effective coaching to improving teacher capacity and student outcomes. It also includes a visual summary of the coaching cycle and an outline of the coaching responsibilities for the teacher, coach, and principal.